Introducing data-describe: an awesome package for exploring datadata-describe is an exciting new open source project for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Read the Press Release here; the Github project…Nov 10, 2020Nov 10, 2020
20 episodes of “AI Podcast in 26.1 Minutes”We are nearing 20 Episodes of our podcast. Don ( and I (Brian Ray or recorded a…Feb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveBuild a useful ML Model in hours on GCP to Predict The Beatles’ listenersAutoML “Automated Machine Learning” is under fire lately by the Data Science Community. I had some criticism published in on Google Cloud…Dec 6, 2019Dec 6, 2019
Did Netflix just kill Databricks with releasing Polynote for free?Databricks announces $400M round on $6.2B valuation as analytics platform continues to grow last week[1]Oct 24, 20191Oct 24, 20191
“AI Podcast in 26.1 minutes”Don Sheu and I @brianray_7981 have launched a weekly podcast called “AI Podcast in 26.1 Minutes” Check it out!Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Google Cloud’s AutoML first lookA first look into GCP AutoML Tables [beta] and some comparisons between DataRobot,, and AWS Sagemaker.Apr 23, 20198Apr 23, 20198
Python vs (and) R for Data ScienceAs requested, I’m publishing this guide for those wishing to choose between Python and R Programming languages for Data Science. You may be…Jun 10, 201816Jun 10, 201816
Securely install Jupyter / Python without internet connection in 4 easy stepsThere is often times a reason you don’t want a remote server to have internet connection. Many times it’s because you were given a server…Mar 13, 2018Mar 13, 2018
Understanding ML Prediction with a Practical Facial Recognition MetaphorImagine for a second you apply for a job working for Airport Screening (like TSA). You will check passports to determine if the information…Nov 27, 2017Nov 27, 2017
JupyterLab first impressionsI’m not new to the Python evolution from the c Python shell, to IPython, to IPython notebooks, to Jupyter, and now keeping a close eye on…Nov 15, 20177Nov 15, 20177